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Call for abstracts: International Symposium onEnvironmental Changes and Efficient Use of Agricultural Resources


(October 20-22, 2011, Shijiazhuang, China) 


Agricultural sustainability is facing to unprecedented challenges due to resources limitation and environmental changes over the world today. Many world important agricultural regions locate in semi-humid to semiarid regions, such as, North China Plain, US High Plains, Australia Murray-Darling Basin, etc., where water deficit restricted the sustainable development of agriculture. Agricultural water demand always exceeds precipitation in the intensively irrigated lands of these regions. Projections from GCMs suggest climate warming will likely reinforce the pressure to water shortage in many agricultural regions. On the other hand, high irrigation intensity also induced many environmental problems such as salinization, nitrate leaching, etc. In North China, there are more than 80% of the agricultural lands over-fertilized, existing high risk of nitrate pollution of the groundwater. For a sustainable development of agriculture, there are lots of needs to reduce the consumption of resources, such as water, nutrients, energy, etc. in the agricultural systems over the world. In this symposium, we look forward to have discussions on the solutions to increase agricultural resources use efficiency and for achieving a sustainable goal of agriculture.

Symposium webpage ( http://lc30.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/1 )


-      Environmental changes and agricultural sustainability

-      Water cycles and water use efficiency in agro-ecosystems

-      Nitrogen/carbon cycles of agro-ecosystems and efficient use

-      Improving water and nutrients management

-      Adaptation management

Important dates:

Aug 10, 2011    deadline for abstracts submission

Aug 20, 2011    acceptance announcement

Sep 20, 2011    deadline for full paper

Selected papers will be published at an international Journal as a special issue. (Agronomy Journal or Journal of Agricultural Sciences)


Except for the invited speakers, participants need pay 100USD registration fee for the costs of documents and meals (including 2 lunches, 2 diners, and 1 banquet)


Tentative Program:

Oct. 20  Afternoon    Registration at Hotel

Oct. 21  Morning     Open ceremony and plenary session

      Afternoon    Presentations

Oct. 22  Morning     Presentations


     Afternoon    Presentations

Oct. 23          Field trip to Luancheng Agro-ecosystem Experimental Station

 Field Excursion


Ya Tai Hotel(亚太大酒店,石家庄市青园街215号,http://www.ythotel.com/info.htm)


Dr. Hongmei Wang     Email: kjgl@sjziam.ac.cn        

Dr. Xiaoxin Li       Email: xiaoxin_li@sjziam.ac.cn   

Dr. Shuping Qin     Email: meimei841114@163.com  

Dr. Ying Guo       Email: guo_ying_@163.com 





主 席:刘昌明

副主席:薛勇彪  胡春胜

委 员:(以姓氏笔画为序)于贵瑞  马七军  王慧军  冯仁国

庄绪亮  刘 健  刘孟雨  李丛民  杨大文  杨永辉

吴炳方  张文军  张喜英  张福锁  陈  阜  陈亚宁

孟胜林  段子渊  康绍忠  韩一波  傅伯杰  蔡祖聪

秘书长:王建江  沈彦俊

秘书组:安忠民 程一松  王占升  王志国  谷 恒  刘国胜  王洪梅  董文旭  李晓欣