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Review of historical and projected future climatic and hydrological changes in mountainous semiarid Xinjiang (northwestern China), central Asia
Mountain regions are among the most sensitive areas under the changing climate but play a vital role in sustaining ecosystem and supplying freshwater for lowland rivers and populations, especially in semiarid Xinjiang. Although hydroclimatic changes have previously been studied in this area, the results vary due to different regional conditions and data sources. An improved understanding and awareness of the hydroclimatic changes and their consequences is still highly needed for better adapting to climate change. Additionally, many studies mainly focus on the basin scale, yet the effect of climate change on hydrological regimes differs among basins and their locations, which cannot be generalized. These also emphasize the need for comprehensive understanding of mountain hydrology and modelling challenges.
Overview of the study region. Data sources: HydroSheds SRTM DEM (Lehner et al., 2008), Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI 6.0) (RGI Consortium, 2017)
In this review, spatio-temporal climate change, climate extremes, snow and glacier fluctuations and variability in semiarid Xinjiang are summarized. In general terms, the available historical data demonstrate a rising mean temperature, likely increased precipitation (subject to greater uncertainty), declining snow cover and glacier extent, and increased streamflow in most rivers. Although the changes of projected future climate differ with different climate resembles, average temperature is expected to increase and seasonal precipitation will experience a slightly increase tendency. Additionally, climate extremes are predicted to become more frequent. Projected future streamflow is expected to increase although initial increase may be followed by a long-term decrease. Water demand is predicted to increase due to irrigation, population growth and economic development.
Water variability in semiarid Xinjiang is and will further be affected by future climate change and their hydrological impacts. However, climatic and hydrological changes differ in different basins, and the impacts of climate change on hydrological changes cannot be generalized. Historical and future climatic and hydrological changes have possible implications for vegetation and can intensify regional hydrological cycle and enhance pressure on seasonal water availability. Future research on climatic and hydrological changes in this region should reveal the mechanisms behind the change phenomenon, quantify the implications on water resources management and expand observational networks, in particular focus on snow and glacier melt processes, as meltwater is a crucial water source in this region. This research may provide suggestions for water resources management in semiarid Xinjiang and endorheic basins where totally depending on water from the surrounding mountains in central Asia or elsewhere.
This study was supported by NSFC (41807177) and the Pioneer “Hundred Talents Program” of the Chinese Academy of Science.
Articles information:
Shen, Y.-J., Shen, Y., Guo, Y., Zhang, Y., Pei, H. and Brenning, A. (2019), Review of historical and projected future climatic and hydrological changes in mountainous semiarid Xinjiang (northwestern China), central Asia. CATENA, 104343.